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Use links below to find information about how to use this site.

Finding Postings

Creating Postings

Changing Postings

Contacting other users



Who can create a Tutor Posting: Free postings can be created by private individual tutors or students.

Tutoring Companies: If you are a tutoring company and would like to advertise your services please contact us for advertising options.

Preventing Spam: Your posting will be reviewed by a Website Editor and may take several days before it appears in the postings.

Remember your login details: Your email address and the password you create will be needed when you want to make changes to your posting

Copying to other categories: You can copy your posting to more than one category by going to the 'Change Posting' page after creating your first posting.

Finding Postings

To find postings created by tutors
click on the 'Tutors' link above. Then use the category links to select a category. Finally, click on the posting name to view the posting details.

To find postings created by students

click on the 'Students' link above. Then use the category links to select a category. Finally, click on the posting name to view the posting details.

To buy sell and trade books and resources

click on the 'Books' link above. Then use the category links to select a category. Finally, click on the posting name to view the posting details.

Creating Postings

If you are a tutor and you want to create a posting.
Click on the 'Tutors' link above. Then select 'Create Posting' and fill in the form to create your posting.

If you are a student and you want to create a posting.
Click on the 'Students' link above. Then select 'Create Posting' and fill
in the form to create your posting.

If you want to buy, sell or trade books and resources.
Click on the 'Books' link above. Then select 'Create Posting' and fill in the form to create your posting.

Changing Postings

If you are a tutor who wants to change one of your postings.
Click on the 'Tutors' link above. Then select 'Change Posting' and login with the email and password you used when you created the posting. Select the posting you want to change and fill in the form to change your posting.

If you are a student who wants to change one of your postings.
Click on the 'Students' link above. Then select 'Change Posting' and login with the email and password you used when you created the posting. Select the posting you want to change and fill in the form to change your posting.

If you want to change one of your books or resources postings.
Click on the 'Books' link above. Then select 'Change Posting' and login with the email and password you used when you created the posting. Select the posting you want to change and fill in the form to change your posting.

Contacting other users

To access a directory of students and tutors click on the 'Communicate' link above and select either students or tutors. Select the person you want to contact and fill in the email form. Or you can click on their email address to send an email using your system's email software.


The information you provide when you create postings is considered confidential and will not be shared with Internet marketing companies or any other companies or individuals. However please be aware that the information you provide when creating a posting is viewable by anyone using the Internet.


Local Tutor Link does not endorse any of the postings viewable in this site, and it shall bear no responsibility for the outcome of any interaction between people using this site.

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